Fleet Service & Maintenance

Managing a fleet of cranes comes with its own set of challenges, and at Red Crane, we understand the importance of keeping your entire fleet in optimal condition. Our “Fleet Service & Maintenance” program is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the maintenance process, ensuring the reliability and longevity of every crane in your fleet.

Tailored Solutions for Your Fleet

At Red Crane, we recognize that each crane in your fleet may have unique requirements. Our Fleet Service & Maintenance program is not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, we work closely with you to develop a customized maintenance plan that aligns with your operational needs and industry regulations.

Key Features of Our Fleet Service & Maintenance Program

Our program includes regular and thorough inspections of each crane in your fleet. These inspections are designed to identify potential issues before they become major problems, helping to prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.
Preventive maintenance is the cornerstone of our Fleet Service & Maintenance program. Our team develops proactive maintenance schedules that encompass routine checks, lubrication, and component replacements, ensuring that your fleet operates at peak performance.
We understand that managing a fleet requires a dedicated approach. Our service teams are trained to handle the intricacies of multiple crane models, providing specialized care to each unit in your fleet.
In the event of unexpected issues, our technicians are equipped to provide efficient on-site repairs. We aim not only to fix the immediate problem but also to identify and address the root cause, preventing similar issues in the future.

Why Choose Red Crane for Fleet Service & Maintenance?

Our Fleet Service & Maintenance plans are tailored to the unique needs of your fleet. We take into account factors such as usage patterns, equipment age, and industry requirements to create a plan that works for you.
With experience in servicing a variety of crane models, our technicians bring a wealth of knowledge to every maintenance task. This expertise ensures that your entire fleet receives high-quality care.
By addressing potential issues before they escalate, our program helps you avoid costly repairs and downtime. This proactive approach contributes to the overall cost-efficiency of managing your crane fleet.
We stay updated on industry regulations and standards to ensure that your fleet remains in compliance. Our maintenance practices are aligned with regulatory requirements, providing you with peace of mind.

Partner with Red Crane for Fleet Excellence

Choosing Red Crane for Fleet Service & Maintenance is choosing a partner dedicated to the seamless operation of your crane fleet. Our goal is to enhance the reliability of your equipment, minimize downtime, and contribute to the overall success of your operations.

Contact us today to discuss a customized Fleet Service & Maintenance plan for your crane fleet. Experience the efficiency and peace of mind that comes with having a trusted partner in the care of your valuable assets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our On-site crane services are currently limited to Auckland only.
Based on your location in Auckland, we can arrive there as quickly as possible.
No, we only provide services during working hours, which are from 7:30 AM to 5 PM on weekdays and 8 AM to 1 PM on Saturdays. Please feel free to call us anytime within these hours, and we’ll be able to help you out quickly.
We mostly keep all the basic parts that are generally needed but if there’s some special part that we don’t have, we can manage to quickly source it from our trusted network of suppliers.

Depending upon the service type & type of your crane, it can take just a few hours to the same day or more (if the problem is complex). Mostly your service will be done on the same day.

Yes, of course, we can come to your location & pre-inspect the crane and provide you with detailed recommendations so you can make an informed decision in making the purchase.
Yes, we can do the pre-certification inspection at the time of service, saving you money & time.

No, we don’t provide any  certification. Instead, we will give crane operating training for a particular type of crane that you have. We have a good experience & licence in working with every type of crane, so we’ll be able to train your operator how to work on the crane with better efficiency, care & safety. Also this training will help them get the licence easily.

Yes, we do stock common parts, so we can provide quick repair & service when you need it. In case we don’t have any unique parts, we will arrange it for you as quickly as possible.