Pre Purchase Inspection

Investing in a crane is a significant decision, and ensuring that you’re making the right choice is paramount. At Red Crane, our “Pre Purchase Inspection” service is designed to provide you with the insights you need to make an informed and confident decision when acquiring a used crane. Trust us to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, giving you a clear understanding of the crane’s condition and potential maintenance needs.

The Importance of Pre Purchase Inspection

A Pre Purchase Inspection is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it’s about protecting your investment and ensuring the long-term reliability of your equipment. By thoroughly assessing a used crane before purchase, you mitigate the risk of unforeseen issues and make a well-informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

Key Components of Our Pre Purchase Inspection Service

Our experienced technicians conduct a detailed mechanical assessment of the crane, evaluating components such as the engine, transmission, hydraulics, and other critical systems. This examination ensures that the crane’s mechanical components are in optimal condition.
The structural integrity of the crane is of utmost importance. Our inspection includes a thorough examination of the crane’s structural components, identifying any signs of wear, damage, or potential issues that may affect its performance.
Modern cranes rely on sophisticated electrical systems. Our inspection includes a comprehensive evaluation of the crane’s electrical components to ensure they are functioning correctly and meet safety standards.
Safety is a top priority. Our technicians assess the functionality of safety features, including emergency brakes, load limiters, and any additional safety mechanisms. This ensures that the crane is equipped to operate safely in various conditions.

The Red Crane Advantage

Our inspection team comprises skilled technicians with extensive experience in assessing a wide range of crane models. Their expertise allows for a thorough and accurate evaluation of the equipment.
Following the inspection, you will receive a detailed report outlining the findings and recommendations. This transparent reporting ensures that you have a comprehensive understanding of the crane’s condition, enabling you to make informed decisions.
We understand that each crane is unique, and our Pre Purchase Inspection service is tailored to the specific characteristics and history of the equipment under evaluation. This customization ensures that the inspection is relevant to your purchase decision.

Why Choose Red Crane for Pre Purchase Inspection

Our goal is to provide you with the confidence to move forward with your crane purchase. By identifying potential issues and maintenance needs, we empower you to make decisions that align with your budget and operational requirements.
Identifying issues before the purchase allows you to factor potential maintenance costs into your budget. This proactive approach contributes to cost-effective decision-making and prevents unexpected financial burdens.
Beyond Pre Purchase Inspection, [Your Company Name] offers a range of services, including maintenance and certification, providing you with a one-stop solution for all your crane needs.

Schedule Your Pre Purchase Inspection Today

Don’t leave your crane purchase to chance. Schedule a Pre Purchase Inspection with Red Crane and ensure that your investment aligns with your expectations. Our experienced team is ready to provide a detailed assessment, allowing you to make a confident and informed decision.

Contact us today to discuss your Pre Purchase Inspection needs and take the first step toward a successful crane acquisition.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our On-site crane services are currently limited to Auckland only.
Based on your location in Auckland, we can arrive there as quickly as possible.
No, we only provide services during working hours, which are from 7:30 AM to 5 PM on weekdays and 8 AM to 1 PM on Saturdays. Please feel free to call us anytime within these hours, and we’ll be able to help you out quickly.
We mostly keep all the basic parts that are generally needed but if there’s some special part that we don’t have, we can manage to quickly source it from our trusted network of suppliers.

Depending upon the service type & type of your crane, it can take just a few hours to the same day or more (if the problem is complex). Mostly your service will be done on the same day.

Yes, of course, we can come to your location & pre-inspect the crane and provide you with detailed recommendations so you can make an informed decision in making the purchase.
Yes, we can do the pre-certification inspection at the time of service, saving you money & time.

No, we don’t provide any  certification. Instead, we will give crane operating training for a particular type of crane that you have. We have a good experience & licence in working with every type of crane, so we’ll be able to train your operator how to work on the crane with better efficiency, care & safety. Also this training will help them get the licence easily.

Yes, we do stock common parts, so we can provide quick repair & service when you need it. In case we don’t have any unique parts, we will arrange it for you as quickly as possible.